What is topology and types of topology explain briefly(DCCN-2)


-IT means the computer network is layout either physically or logically two or more devices connected to the link.
-Two or more link indicate to the topology structure.it is the geometric representation of the relation of all the link and linking devices to each other.

types of topology

1.mesh topology
2.star topology
3.ring topology
4.bus topology
5.hybrid topology

1.mesh topology:

the mash topology has a dedicated point to point 
link to every other devices.


-the use of dedicated link guaranties that each connection can Carrie  
it,s own data thus elementary data to the traffic problem that can occur when the link can share by the multiple devices.
-the mesh topology is the robust. if one link be come useless it did,t indicate to the whole network out of order.


-the mash topology have a large no of cabling and large no of i/o points are required.
-as every device must be connected with every other device.

Star topology 

-in the star topology each device has a dedicated point to point only to a central controller which are called as the HUB.                                                                                                
-the device are not directly connected to each other like mesh topology structure.
-in the star topology n/w data transmission between the devices can,t direct possible however data transmission between the two devices only can possible through the HUB.  


-the star topology is less expensive.
-the star topology is very easy to install and reconfigure and redesign.
-as less cabling are required so addition moment and deletion is possible.


the central hub is act of order and the whole n/w is depended on that transmission.

 Bus topology

-the bus topology is a multi point topology in which multiple device can share the common medium or link or bus.                                                                            
-a long cable is act as a backbone to the link all the devices in the n/w


-the bus topology is very easy to install.
-the bus topology is use less coding than the mesh topology structure.


It is also difficult new devices with the bus cable.

Ring topology

-in the ring topology each device has a dedicated point to point line configuration only with the two devices.                                                                                
-a signal is passed along the ring in one direction from device to device 
until if reaches its destination. 
-when the device is receive the signal called token intend from the other device. 


the ring topology is very easy to install and reconfigure as every device connected to it immediate neighbor either physically or logically. 


due to unidirectional data transmission will break to the ring topology structure will stop to the total data transmission in the N/W .

Hybrid topology

Hybrid topology is the combination of various topology to, from a bigger size of the N/w.


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