Draw process state diagram and explain each state(OS-3)
-Process state means current activity of process.
-When process is execute it changes the state generally state of process is determine by the current activity of process.
-Each process may be in one of the following state.
new-the process is being is oriented.
ready-the process is waiting to be assigned to the processor.
waiting- the process is waiting for some event (I/O operation) to occur.
running- the process is being executed.
terminated-the process as finished the execution.
process state diagram:
-The pictorial is represented to the process changing from one process to another process during there execution is known as process state diagram.
-A process can be change for one process in the following manner.
new ready:
The operating system(os) create a process and prepares the process to be executed ,then the os moved the process into the ready queue.
ready running:
When it is time to select a process to run, the os selects one job from the ready queue and change the process state from ready state to running state.
running terminate:
-When execution process has terminated then the os terminate the process and also change its state from running state to terminate state.
-The os terminate a process due to some other reason that includes the limit of execution is executed,memory is not available,protection error , I/O failure etc.
running ready:
When the time slot of the processor assigned to the process is expired or if the processor has receive an interrupt signal the os shifted the running state to ready state.
running waiting:
-A process is into the waiting state or if the process need as event to occur or an I/O device for doing I/O operation.
waiting ready:
A process is blocked state and waiting state moved into the ready state when the event or I/O operation has been completed.
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